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Thank you for your interest in joining us for Feast, a celebration of the appointed time of our Creator.  We are a community of believers who seek to follow the instructions of the Torah, the teachings of our Messiah, and the guidance of the Holy Spirit.  One of the scriptural themes for our Father’s people is to come out and be separate (Isaiah 52:11, Jeremiah 15:17, II Corinthians 6:17, Revelation 18:4). It is one of our highest priorities at Feast of the Ozarks to provide a family friendly environment that is conducive to spiritual growth and, to the extent possible, free from the influences of an increasingly evil and lawless world. 


As you prepare to attend the Feast of the Ozarks, we would like to share with you some of the expectations that we have for our participants. These expectations are not meant to burden you or restrict your freedom, but rather to honor our Father, respect each other, and maintain a peaceful and orderly environment. We believe that these expectations reflect the values and principles that our Father has given us in His Word, and that they will help us to enjoy a blessed and fruitful feast.  This list may be amended should the need arise.


If you know that you are unwilling or unable to meet any of these expectations, we ask that you have that conversation ahead of time to determine if, in fact, the Feast of the Ozarks is the best choice for you.


FOOD: Please do not bring bibically unclean food to feast. We desire to create a clean, set-apart environment to worship our Father. Bibically unclean means no pork or shellfish among other things - see Leviticus 11 for a complete definition of clean & unclean food. 

SICKNESS POLICY: If you are sick, please stay home until you are well. We will issue refunds or partial refunds if you are not able to come to feast because of sickness in your family. At a minimum, please do not come to feast if you or anyone in your family have had fever, vomiting or diarrhea within 48 hours of your planned arrival time. If you become sick while at feast, please do your best to quarantine to your campsite to avoid spreading the sickness. 


ATTENDANCE GUIDELINES:  Attendees should desire to participate during worship and teaching events scheduled in the large tent. We understand that occasionally there may be sickness, dirty diaper, or other emergency which may prevent someone from attending, but our desire is that you will be fully engaged in the activities of the feast.


QUIET HOURS:  Between the hours of 11:00 pm and 6:00 am there should be no loud talking or boisterous activity.  Persons 18 years of age or under should be in their camp or with a parent during these times.  Campfire gatherings are permissible, but please keep voices low so as to show love for your neighbors.  Please limit any movement to a bare minimum during quiet hours.


PURITY:  As outlined below, we seek to maintain high standards of modesty and purity, both in dress and in relationships. Please respect and abide by these standards during this event.


*           Seeking to live above reproach in every area and to maintain a high standard of biblical purity, any one-on-one contact between members of the opposite sex (non-family) should be done in high visibility, common areas.

 *           Mixed gender gatherings of young people must have adult supervision.

 *           No shared sites with children sleeping over with each other.

 *           Plan to keep your family together!  Please be aware of where your family members are at all times.


CLOTHING:  We desire to encourage a standard of biblical modesty.  This differs significantly from modern cultural fashions which not only cater to “the lust of the eyes” and “the lust of the flesh,” but also would blur the lines of distinction between male and female.  As such we would encourage:


*           That ladies and gentlemen wear modest apparel. Please leave at home: tight clothing, short shorts, holey jeans, shirts that expose bare midriffs, shirts that expose armpits when arms are raised, shirts that have a questionable message or promote worldly movies or music, etc.

*           Men – Do not remove your shirt in public.  

NURSING BABIES:  Nursing in public is OK provided that the nursing mother covers in a modest way while nursing.


PERSONAL ELECTRONIC DEVICES: We are gathering for one of YHWH’s appointed feasts and we desire for Feast of the Ozarks to be a wholesome environment, free from inappropriate internet usage. For the sake of children and families attending, we would ask that you please limit the use of cell phones or other electronic devices during the feast and that children and teens should not have use of devices at Feast.


VIEW OF EDUCATION:  Because of the ungodly content in today’s public school curriculum and the environment in which this “learning” occurs, families with one or more children who currently attend public school or who view the public school as a viable alternative, should not attend.  If your family is currently attending public school, and you are interested in homeschooling, feel free to contact us.


INVESTIGATION OF FORMS OF ABUSE:  If you have been investigated for child abuse, or any other reason, by law enforcement, CPS, a former church, or any other body, a full disclosure of the nature of the allegations to the Camp Elders will be necessary prior to arriving and a determination will be made by the Camp Elders if the Feast of the Ozarks is a good fit.


CRIMINAL CONVICTIONS:  If you have been convicted of a crime of violence or other felony criminal conviction, and Camp Elders do not already have an understanding of your past and repentance, please contact camp elders.


ADDICTIONS:  If you are struggling with an addiction to inappropriate material, whether internet based or otherwise, or drugs, or alcohol you may not attend. 


VEHICLE(S) POLICY:  The speed limit around the feast grounds is 5 MPH for the safety of all attendees. We ask that after you have set up your campsite your driving be limited to necessity only. Ideally, come in at the beginning of the feast and leave at the end of the feast. There will be an area of designated parking away from the feast grounds for persons who may need to go in and out more often so as to limit traffic and dust in the feast area.


ALCOHOL GUIDELINES:  No open container alcoholic beverages will be allowed in common areas at any time.  Any level of inebriation or drunkenness, regardless of intensity, will result in you being asked to leave the feast and there will be no refund given.


DRUGS:  No drugs will be allowed at the feast.


FIREARMS POLICY:  No “open carry” of firearms will be allowed. 


PET POLICY:  No animals allowed.


GUIDELINE INFRACTIONS:  Infractions of these guidelines will likely result in your being visited by Camp Leadership.  If you have received one warning, no second warning will be given.  You will be asked to leave FOTO.  In the event that this occurs after the feast has begun, no refunds will be offered. 


If you have any questions or concerns about any of these above guidelines, please ask before choosing to come to the feast. or Ph# (417) 924-6138

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