Detailed Schedule Coming Soon!
During the Feast of Sukkot this year we are going to have a week-long family oriented competition. Each family will be assigned to one of four teams for the duration of the competition. The games/competition will be comprised of a variety of activities including Bible Jeopardy over the books of the Torah, a spelling bee, a talent competition, relay races and several other activities. On Thursday, the last day of Sukkot the winning team will be announced and will be given bragging rights over the other teams as their reward.
Grab a family member(s), or some friends, or both and prepare to bring a vocal song(s), an instrumental song(s) or a skit, etc. Lest anyone think that this encourages “showing off,” it may and I hope so. Yeshua said to “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” Hopefully what you do will inspiration to someone else to be outgoing with their talents. Yeshua strongly encouraged the use of talents and was somewhat unhappy with the man who buried his talent. Our desire is to see each of Yah’s children develop their talents to the fullest extent in their quest to let their light shine brightly for Him. Each team will be encouraged to put forward three entries for this event. The entries will be judged by a panel of judges and these standings will accrue to the overall team’s standing.
The words for this spelling bee will drawn almost entirely from the word list which can be downloaded here:
There will be five opportunities to excel in this event. During the course of the week we will have a separate Jeopardy board over each of the five books of Torah. The reason for this level of emphasis is to encourage hiding Yahweh’s Word in our hearts. David says in Psalm 112:11 “Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.”
We will be having a concert on Sunday evening featuring the Matthew Crockett Family. Matt and Sarah along with their nine children will bring us an evening of encouragement, fun and good listening as they play numerous instruments and sing to Yahweh.